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Welcome, I'm

Sibi Sharanyan

A Full Stack Web Developer trying to keep up with the rapidly evolving Industry.

About Me

Hello! πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹

I am Sibi Sharanyan. I'm working remotely as a Full Stack Developer πŸš€ for a US-based tech startup operating in the digital marketing space. I'm highly skilled with JavaScript/TypeScript πŸ’» and all its associated runtimes. I've worked for various startups in the past and have built applications from scratch with modern web technologies. I'm someone who is always on the lookout for modern tools that would improve the experience of both the developers and end-users. I'm a huge Productivity nerd who constantly tries to implement workflows and processes that would help me improve my productivity as a developer.

🌟 Technologies I've worked with:

  • React
  • Node.js
  • Vue
  • Electron
  • MongoDB
  • Firestore

react node vuejs javascript typescript electron nextjs nuxtjs svelte tailwind materialui vuetify bootstrap docker git jest mongodb mysql postgresql

🎊 Few of my awesome projects:

  • React app to test your typing speed (link)
  • Online IDE built with Docker to write and execute code (link)
  • Drag and Drop based web game (link)
  • Windows application built with Electron to securely share files (link)

... And a lot more abandoned projects πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

πŸ“« How to reach me?

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